Hang on to Uncertainty

This startup thing is crazy.

As I'm able to share experiences on this blog - I plan to. These are going to act as memos to myself - reflections if you will. 

I always say rocket-ships don't have rear view mirrors but every once in awhile it's nice to reflect on your trajectory (to make sure you know where you're going).

It's no mystery that starting up is like riding a roller coaster... no, make that a vomit comet. Things can be/seem really good and things can seem/be really bad. The harder you work the faster the inflections happen. It's important to ride the hype cycles (the good times) and reflect on your actions/put your head down and work through the lulls.

One thing most of us struggle with is uncertainty. The "what ifs" of your business. It can be discouraging but it's the only emotion/feeling that really drives one to find the answers. An entrepreneur is always looking for the light at the end of a seemingly endless network of tunnels. Sometimes your mind plays tricks on you though - little flashes of light lead to dead-ends and back tracking to the right path is a daunting task.

That's why we fail early and often. Don't let yourself get too far down the rabbit hole - find every reason why your decisions don't make sense.

That uncertain feeling you're having is fuel for your rocket-ship. Get the mixture right and you won't explode.


2 responses
Hey, thanks for sharing! Your insight on rocket ships is bang on, very inspiring. Looking forward to your future memos.
Great post Mike. I never thought of it that way - "its the uncertainty that drives us to answers." One of the most appealing aspects of being an entrepreneur is the possibility of failure. That must sound strange - but this is the one challenge that seems worthy of my time and energy. An ultimate test. And every step of the journey is uncertain - but thrilling at the same time. Well said, Mike! Cheers! -dan