A Personal Update

It's been awhile - I wish I had the time and initiative to handle this blog AND the business. The reality (and what many of you don't know) is that I'm still enrolled in my undergrad. Fortunately for myself, the business and everyone in my life, I'll be finished my degree on April 19th.

Beer will ensue.

The past 4 months have been very busy. The business is succeeding, we're hiring, we visited some VC's on SandHill road, set up shop with an office in Sunnyvale, CA (at the Plug and Play Tech Centre), sponsored TedX Waterloo, had a booth at the Tech Leadership Conference (where we met Geoffrey Moore) and continually ramped up business for Redwoods Media.

The new news is that we've built a platform for video. We've received traction from big enterprise all the way to small business/startup. The product - vidyard - is still undoubtedly in alpha, but it's robust and useable. Features are being added/implemented every day.

Looking at my blog posts from roughly 6 months ago is fun. I'm amazed at my insight then but also intrigued at how fast things have changed. I plan on sharing some lessons learned on this blog over the next few weeks. Chances are (if you're reading this) - you're following me on Twitter or a friend of mine on Facebook. If you are running a business or thinking about starting one, tune in here. If you have questions or concepts you'd like me to write about - feel free to ask! 

Thanks to everyone for hanging in there - especially those close to me. You know who you are!


Don't be a Wantreprenuer!